Well, it's been a while since our last update...
TLDR: We've been busy with our baby and business is changing! Valentine's is around the corner, and we've got a cool selection of items available. More information about our Business changes. Backyard chickens update.
If you are still receiving our email blog posts, thanks for sticking around! If this is the first update you’ve received from us, it’s because it’s been since Nov 2022 that we’ve created blog posts or sent anything out. You must have given us your email address at some point between then and now… Welcome!
Suburban Succulents has spent the last year moving, grooving, and overall being busy! Besides the business, Baby G has kept us on our toes. Akin to plants, Georgia has grown leaps and bounds. It is time-consuming and so rewarding to be her Mom.
With that, lots of adaptions have taken place over the last year. Trying to juggle keeping the plant shop running, servicing my plant clients, and raising an infant while attempting to remain engaged in my personal and social life has been tough but doable. This year, we are streamlining what makes the most sense for our family. You will notice that we have limited opening times, we aren’t running the same loaded schedule of workshops each month, we are much quieter on our social platforms, are more intentional about the plants and pots that are in the shop, and I am getting the opportunity to become involved in other opportunities that excite me. This is all intentional and we are doing our best to adapt to the season of life we are in!
Thank you all for coming along for the journey! Below in our typical style is a little of what’s going on right now. Read on to find out about our Valentine’s Day Gift specials!
Valentine's Day is upon us...
Reading this blog means you’re getting access to our Valentine’s Day items first! See something you love? Claim it, there are limited quantities of all products.
Click on the “Valentine’s First Look” photo to have access to the Valentine’s catalog I put together. Enjoy!
Need a bulk quantity of something perhaps for work colleagues or as favors? Reach out to us to discuss your needs! 360-843-6602

Order online, via email or text message, come into the shop, or on DoorDash.
Who can we send a little something special to for you? Pick up your items from our shop or we can deliver locally.
What's Next for Suburban Succulents?
We are still here and aren’t going anywhere, just changing up the structure and nature of the business for now.
Shop Hours: We are aiming to be open at least one weekend per month. If you want to schedule a time to come in and shop, you can book an appointment with us on our Google Calendar page and see us anytime that works for us both! We will periodically have sales on our Instagram and Facebook page stories for you to claim items, too.
Product Mix: Offer primarily seasonal specials during periodic times of the year. We are trying different things like currently our Valentine’s Day Product book. We will stop carrying a large variety of plants and bring plants into the shop based on our client’s needs/requests.
Markets/Pop-Ups: We will plan for a few markets throughout the year. Our upcoming events page will be updated monthly and as frequently as we can keep up.
Workshops: We are always booking private events for plant workshops and will continue to partner with locations in the community that are looking to have a person teach a class at their location. Reach out with ideas and dates!
The Chickens still get their moment of glory- all 21 of them are soaking up these couple of warm days we’ve experienced lately. We’re seeing bulbs pop-up all over the yard, so have begun our feeble attempts to keep the plants from the chicken’s wrath. We expect egg production to pick-up in the next couple of months… until then, we are feeding the ONE egg we get each day to Georgia- she loves eggs! G and the chickens seem to get along well, they usually steer clear of her and she’s not quite fast enough to catch them, yet. 🙂

Thank you to all of our supporters- your shopping with us allows me to live out my business dreams of running my own shop. Your flexibility with me and the ever-changing shop is appreciated and I will always be thankful!
I hope you enjoyed this blog update and I can’t wait to see you this month!
Until next time, all our love.
~Adriane and the rest of us at Suburban Succulents Plant Shop