Fresh-cut Flower Bouquet


Our flowers come in a reusable clear-glass vase.

Flowers can be picked up or local-delivery only. Please do not order for delivery via shipping from our website, if we have to ship to you, we will cancel your order. Consider ordering your flowers to be delivered with our online partner Doordash. You will find lots of other gift-y items there, too!

Pick-Up and Delivery are generally available the same day. Please order and let me know when you want to pickup or deliver. I will do my best to accommodate your requests! Note- busy holidays there is no guarantee of time available. You will be notified when your order is ready for pickup. Please see below for what to do for your delivery.

For delivery, please respond to your order confirmation email the following items:

  • Where and To Whom this is being delivered to.
  • Please add any note that you want written to the recipient.

Questions? Text Adriane 3608436602 or email:

In stock


Although we cannot take all the credit for growing our flowers on-site… we do source our flowers as locally as possible!

All bouquets are made to order with what flowers are available. Your bouquet will NOT look like what is pictured.

Your 18 stems of fresh flowers come in a clear-glass vase, we include flower food and an opportunity for you to write a note. Your flowers come wrapped in a bag and tied with a bow for flair.

Additional information

Weight 200 oz
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 16 in


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